Saudi Arabia's role in Securitization of Iran; The Islamic Republic of Iran Strategy

Document Type : Research Paper




The purpose of the article is to examine King Salman of Saudi Arabia's approach towards Iran and the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran against Saudi actions. This paper hypothesizes that Saudi Arabia under King Salman has more than ever attempted to securitization of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the role of "functional actor". The main finding of this article is that support for securitization of Iran's regional role in the Middle East has been a key focus of Malik Salman's Saudi policy toward Iran. The new Saudi leaders have emphasized on what they called "Iran's destructive regional role" and tried to highlight Iran's policies and actions in the Middle East as the main threat to regional stability and security to mobilize various capacities against Iran. Although these measures have exacerbated security pressures against the Islamic Republic of Iran, however, trying to securitization of Iran has faced significant restrictions and challenges.


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