Methodology Dynamics in International Relations

Document Type : Research Paper



International Relations is a discipline that in comparison with other branches of Social Sciences, its research scope has the most dynamistic and changing feature. One of the most dynamistic features of this discipline at the academic level is changing its methodology and way of studying the physical environment by the IR researchers. This paper intends to explore the methodological developments in international studies and to evaluate its weaknesses as well as problems with a critical viewpoint.  The author with recognition of two Classic and Quantum approaches in Exact Sciences is of the view that in the twentieth century methodology of Social Sciences was mostly affected by the approach of Exact Sciences. However, the latter approach has not the capability to illustrate global developments in many aspects, but the theoretical Quantum framework, while having characteristics like relativity of research results and utilizing all possible methods to achieve more valid outcomes, has more relevance in the field of Social Sciences including International Relations.


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