The Security Discourse at the President Ahmadinejad Era as a “New Revolutionary Discourse of Contraction and Expansion

Document Type : Research Paper



The Islamic Republic of Iran has gone through several security periods. Enjoying the methodology of “discourse analysis”, this paper discusses the component and impacts of discourses which were prevailing, in Iran, during President Ahmadinejad’s era.   Therefore, the main hypotheses of the paper is: the prevailing discourse of President Ahmadineja’s administration was to return to a revolutionary contraction and expansion that was realized by new elements in a different context and amongst the Islamic and the Revolutionary values, the idea of “Islamic Justice” was highlighted more than others. Thus, the paper concludes that although President Ahmadinejad’s administrations have been successful in achieving peaceful nuclear technology, expansion of relations with some Latin American countries, however, it ended up with new problems like referring the Iran nuclear dossier to the UN Security Council, expansion of international sanctions and consensus against the Islamic Republic of Iran.  


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