Paradigm shift in the meanings and implications of the concept of security

Document Type : Research Paper




The concept of security, like other simple concepts, can lead to the formation of different "intellection" in the process of "understanding"; because it is historical and under different paradigms, it takes on different meanings. From this point of view, the birth of the concept of security in its classical sense can be considered as coinciding with the emergence of the political paradigm; A paradigm in which security was on a par with maintaining political order and the integrity of the nation-state. After that, the transition from the political paradigm to the economic paradigm of security took place; Above all, in the form of "social security", efforts to reduce class distance and increase social justice became the focus of security studies. From the end of the twentieth century onwards, we are witnessing the emergence of the cultural paradigm of security. This article argues that the transition to the cultural paradigm of security is a direct result of the late modernization that gave rise to new theories of security, the most important part of which is the theory of community security; Which puts the confidence of individuals and social groups in preserving their identity and values in the focus of security studies.


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