Civil Society And Ethnicities In I.R.IRAN

Document Type : Research Paper



Civil Society regardless of conceptual and theoritical debates, shows specific type of social and regulative life, in which human groups-as an independent actors-interact with state. On the other hand, many countries-developed or undeveloped one- confront ethnic problem. In I.R.Iran also there is a variety of Iranian ethnicities and for this reason, it is necessary to discuss about ethnic problem in civil society in Iran.The essential question is how we can resolve this matter in the frame of civil society concept. To give an answer, author firstly tells us about different approaches-such as Modernization, Marxism, and Primordialism- and there after represent citizen-ship pattern to recreate Iranian ethnic integration and harmony within the frame of I.R. system. Author believes that, law structure of I.R.Iran accepted the equality of Iranian ethnic groups, regardless of their religion, race and language, then it can be a suitable base for resolving problems in our country. To obtain this goal, we need an efficient citizenship pattern.

Main Subjects

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