A Comparative Approach to the United States Arms Control Policy (2020-2001)

Document Type : Research Paper




Although the post-9/11 US arms control policy in the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations has been viewed from different perspectives, a comparison gap based on a common theoretical framework is evident. The main question of this article is what are the commonalities and differences between the US arms control policy during the Bush, Obama and Trump eras? According to the article hypothesis, the direction of arms control in US foreign policy during the Bush era was in the form of "post-arms control policy", during the Obama administration, within the framework of "off-shore balance arms control policy" and during the Trump era, "no-arms control policy". The post-arms control policy leads to measures beyond the usual arms control measures; off-shore balance arms control policy have led to an emphasis on international regimes; And t no-arms control policy led to measures to reduce costs. In this article, the theory of balanced behavior of "Randall Schuler" as one of the thinkers of the theory of neoclassical realism is used and the research method is comparative.


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