Problems And Challenges Of Local Governance In Tehran Province

Document Type : Research Paper



Good governance follows a series of common and universal principles and procedures that do not depend on a specific geographical environment or time period, but a significant part of governance principles and procedures are always influenced by environmental considerations and depend on time conditions. And it is a special place. Based on this, efficient and desirable governance in a smaller scale like Tehran province requires the investigation of special and unique elements and components of this province. With this assumption, this article examines and analyzes the issues and challenges of local governance in Tehran province. For this purpose, first, by using open interviews with experts and executive officials of the province, issues and challenges are extracted, and then structural analysis of these issues and challenges is carried out using MicMac software. The results and findings indicate that the governance issues and challenges of Tehran province are caused by the four circles of "inefficiency", "dissatisfaction", "deprivation" and "insecurity", which are created by the government rather than the people playing a role in them, and therefore to solve them all, the rules of national and provincial governance should be amended by reducing the role of the government in economic, social, cultural and even political affairs.


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