An Assessment of Changes in Deterrence Policy of Lebanon's Hezbollah Against Zionist Regime

Document Type : Research Paper




This article aims to analyze the components of the deterrence policy adopted by Lebanon's Hezbollah and explains how it has been influenced by the crisis in Syria. The researcher argues that the Syrian crisis has led to an increase in the tactical and operational capabilities of Hezbollah, which, coupled with its enhanced technological and military power, has enabled it to present a greater threat. This means that the group's policy has the three main elements of deterrence, namely the ability to pose a threat, credible threat and the conveyance of a deterrent message. Israel's refusal to wage a war against Hezbollah shows that the movement's deterrence strategy has been successful. However, Hezbollah, due to the asymmetric nature of its strategies and tactics, needs to increase its deterrence posture in the face of Israel. The research adopted an analytical descriptive method and a library-based approach was used to gather the data.


Main Subjects

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