Politicization and Efficiency in Executive System

Document Type : Research Paper



Putting managers with political affiliations in charge of state organizations have both pros and cons for policy makers. Appointment of administrative and executive managers in order to ensure political commitment to the defined strategies with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the executive system on the one hand and rapid emergence of politicization that leads to reduced efficiency of the executive system on the other hand have exposed serious contradictions in the country's administrative affairs. Using inductive reasoning and a data-based approach as well as interviews and secondary sources, this article attempts to investigate the link between the political commitment of the establishment's administrative staff and the efficiency of the political system as well as the negative implications of politicization for the efficiency of the executive system. The main question asked in this article is what the implications of politicization of the country's executive system are for its efficiency. However, we should first provide an answer to this question: How do political appointments affect the efficiency of the political system?


Main Subjects

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