Process of Representation of 1980s Lifestyle in Iran's 21st Century Cinema

Document Type : Research Paper



Drawing on the "representation" theory in the sociology of art and the explanatory model proposed by French sociologist Pierre Félix Bourdieu, this article seeks to investigate the process of reconstructing the concept of the 1980s in the lifestyle re-presented in the top-selling movies of the 21st century. The main question asked in this article is whether the representation of the lifestyle in the 1980s in 21st century movies is in line with the Islamic Republic's discourse or not. Content analysis of some of the films produced in the modern era shows that the cultural consumption and the way the 1980s lifestyle has been portrayed in the 21st century movies have been mainly inconsistent with revolutionary values. In fact, the 1980s has been painted as a "ridiculous", "shameful" and "bygone" era in today's cinema.


Main Subjects

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