The National Interest in the Light of the Law of Agreement on Bilateral Foreign Investments

Document Type : Research Paper



Since the mid 1970s we have witnessed adoption of remarkable number of agreements on support and encouragement of bilateral foreign investments between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other countries.Although this has been welcomed by many countries, due to some challenges in adoption and implementation of this kind of agreements, they have not been concurred equally. The challenge lies in the fact that within these agreements, two national expediencies are facing each other: the necessity of growth and development and cooperation with others on one hand, and the necessity of control and preserving public and governmental assets in order to prevent domination of foreigners on national resources and interests. The above- said laws is a forum to link these two expediencies.This paper aims to answer the question that how the Constitution and the domestic laws of the Islamic Republic ofIranand the agreements of bilateral foreign investments can link the two expediencies.    


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