The Methodology of Neo-Idealism School

Document Type : Research Paper



Neo-idealism is among the salient and influential schools in the analysis of international security and relations. This school is distinguished from neo-realism because of its emphasis on the idea of limited state and trans-state community-based outlook. The school lacks the liberals' weakness and optimism given its sophistication and comprehensiveness. Neo-idealism seeks to extrapolate power relations and develop ideas for changing them so that all world inhabitants enjoy desirable security. Democratic governance, priority of absolute achievements and subjugation of security to sustainable public welfare constitute the foundations of this school. Neo-idealist scholars provoked hopes by developing such statements; but with the lapse of time and appearance of neo-idealist capacities, it became apparent that this outlook suffers from weaknesses in spite of significant innovations. Due to their propensity to rationalism, neo-idealists are no immune to mental biases and pre-judgments, they underestimate the reality of the state and hard power in shaping groups' identities and even in the drawing and repairing norms, and they tend to suffice to provide general and simplistic ideas in explaining the factors of changes.


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