Publication Ethics

This journal adheres to the principles of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the executive by-law of the ‘Law on Preventing and Countering Fraud in Scientific Works’ approved in 2016. Authors, reviewers, scientific directors, and the editor-in-chief are required to observe these ethical principles when working with this publication.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Publisher

This publication is committed to

  • Making professional decisions and expert scientific judgments, while avoiding personal interests.
  • Ensuring that ethical principles are upheld by the editor-in-chief, scientific directors, editorial board, and reviewers.
  • Maintaining the confidentiality of authors’ personal information, ensuring that it is only accessible to authorized individuals.
  • Complying with Copyright Laws and protecting the rights of copyright holders.
  • Enforcing relevant legal procedures in the event of any plagiarism.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief and Scientific Directors

  • The scientific directors are required to maintain the confidentiality of submitted papers until they are published.
  • The editor-in-chief, scientific directors, and reviewers are responsible for making decisions on whether to publish or reject a paper.
  • The editor-in-chief and editorial board members should strive to promote the publication within academic and international communities, prioritizing the publication of papers from international universities.
  • Scientific directors are responsible for upholding the principle of reviewer anonymity.
  • To ensure the integrity of the review process, scientific directors must avoid any conflicts of interest that may arise from personal, commercial, academic, or financial relationships that could potentially influence the acceptance and publication of submitted papers.
  • Scientific directors must ensure that scientific safety is observed and strive to address the scientific needs of their readers.
  • When choosing reviewers, the editor-in-chief and the editorial board members should take into account their expertise, skills, scientific experience, and commitment to ethical standards.
  • The editor-in-chief and scientific directors are responsible for thoroughly investigating any reported violations of publishing and research ethics by authors. If necessary, they will take appropriate action to address these violations.
  • The editor-in-chief and scientific directors have a duty to swiftly remove any papers that have been found to exhibit unethical behavior in publishing and research. They are also required to provide transparent information to both readers and relevant indexing authorities regarding the removal of such papers.
  • The scientific directors are responsible for identifying any instances of plagiarism, fraud, or scams. If corrections, explanations, or apologies are necessary, they must inform the readers.
  • Scientific directors should concentrate only on rational and logical content.
  • The scientific directors and other members of this journal are prohibited from using unpublished papers for personal gain or purposes.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Reviewers

  • Reviewers should collaborate with the scientific directors to make informed decisions regarding the publication of papers.
  • Reviewers are required to uphold the confidentiality of submitted papers.
  • The reviewers have to provide their feedback to the scientific directors in a timely manner so that a decision can be made regarding the publication or rejection of the papers.
  • The review of papers should be based on well-documented scientific evidence and sound reasoning, which must be clearly articulated. These supporting documents should be made available to both the journal and the authors.
  • When reviewing papers, reviewers should avoid expressing personal opinions or biases. Instead, their assessments should be based solely on objective scientific and professional criteria.
  • One of the responsibilities of reviewers is to carefully examine the sources cited in the paper. All research, topics, and quotations used in the paper must be fully referenced and included in the reference section.
  • Reviewers should recuse themselves from reviewing papers if there is a conflict of interest with any of the authors.
  • Reviewers must not use the data or ideas presented in papers for their own benefit or to the detriment of others, nor to criticize or discredit the authors before the papers are published. Furthermore, after publication, reviewers are not permitted to use any information from the papers beyond what has been made publicly available by the journal.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Authors

  • Papers submitted for publication must be original and must not have been previously published or used elsewhere, except as an abstract or in part in presentations or dissertations. Additionally, the manuscripts must not be under review by another journal at the time of submission.
  • The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have given their consent to the submission of the paper.
  • If the paper is derived from a project conducted at an institution or is part of a collaborative book, the author must obtain permission from the relevant institution or co-authors before submitting it for publication.
  • The author must grant the journal permission to edit their paper in order to enhance its quality.
  • Should the paper have received financial support, the author is required to acknowledge the sponsor by name at the end of the paper.
  • The author must sign a form committing to ethical standards.
  • In open-access journals, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their papers’ content but also grant the public the right to freely download, print, and distribute them.
  • After a manuscript has been submitted, all authors should agree that the corresponding author will handle any subsequent revisions.
  • Whenever the author or authors of the paper notice a mistake or omission in their work, they should promptly notify the publication’s specialized editor to make the necessary corrections.
  • When submitting a manuscript, the author is required to upload the results of a similarity check from either the ‘Samim Noor’ or ‘Hamanad Joo’ systems to the journal’s system. It is important to note that the publication’s acceptable similarity level is below 20%.
  • Before submitting their paper, the author is advised to review the ‘Guide for Authors’ section on the journal’s website.