بنیادهای‌ فلسفی‌ «ضددولت‌» و پدیدة‌ سپتامبر

Document Type : Research Paper


Main Subjects

170.Allison Gilbert (ed.) et al., Covering Catastrophe: Broadcast Journalists Report
September 11
, April 2002.
171.CBS News, Dan Rather (Introduction), What We Saw: The Events of September 11, 2001-
In Words, Pictures, and Video
, (Aug. 2002).
172./photographers of the New York City Police Department et al., Record of September 11,
, (Aug. 2002).
173.Magnum Photographers and David Halberstam, New York September 11.
174.The British Broadcasting Corporation (Editor) et al., The BBC Reports: On America, Its
Allies and Enemies, and the Counterattack on Terrorism, (Paperback - January 2002).