Cultural Diplomacy and Iran's International Status

Document Type : Research Paper



Given the cultural-civilizational advantages of Iran, the use of cultural diplomacy can play an important role in improving soft power and securing the national interests of this country. In practice, the results of cultural diplomacy so far have not been satisfactory compared to the huge potential of the country. Despite some important achievements, this diplomacy has not been able to play a strong role in strengthening Iran's "international acceptance" status. Accordingly, the question of the article is why the cultural diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has not been able to have a significant impact on improving Iran's international status. In response to this question, the article addresses the problems and challenges of Iranian cultural diplomacy. Lack of a coherent strategy, neglect of the private sector, weakness of government agents, overcoming ideological views and the multiplicity of policy institutions are the most important factors involved in weakening the country's cultural diplomacy. This article, after reviewing and analyzing the issues, will reach some suggestions for the efficiency of cultural diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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