The role of leadership in governing the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



Given the complex and multifaceted nature of the concept of national security, the question of the present study is what role does the leadership play in governing the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran? In order to examine the role of leadership in governing national security, four hypotheses of "guide", "observer", "supporter" and "executor" are examined and it is stated that the main role of leadership is guidance which is manifested in the form of "general policy making of the system". The weakness of the "guarantee of implementation" in "monitoring the proper implementation of the general policies of the system" has caused a fundamental disruption in the governance of the leadership in this area. The main proposal of the present study is to form a faction in the parliament in order to "monitor the proper implementation of the general policies of the system" which will act as the executive guarantee arm of the "High Board for Supervising the proper implementation of the general policies of the system".


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