Post-Cold War Proliferation of Economic Sanctions: Contributing Factors

Document Type : Research Paper



The post-Cold War era has seen a marked increase in the use of economic sanctions by major powers, a trend driven by various factors. Changes in international relations have made economic sanctions an increasingly attractive tool for states and international organizations to advance their policies. This paper seeks to answer the question: Why has the use of economic sanctions in international relations increased significantly since the end of the Cold War? The hypothesis is that a combination of factors, including a sharp rise in the costs of military action, successful experiences with economic pressure, shifts in the distribution of power within the international system, the global spread of liberal values and norms, and the emergence of new security threats, has contributed to an increase in the use of economic sanctions in the post-Cold War era. Methodologically, this paper employs a mixed approach to provide an authentic explanation for this fundamental change in international relations. To support the hypothesis, we will draw upon available evidence and data.


Main Subjects

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