International emigrations and national security

Document Type : Research Paper



Emigration is a term referring to any population movement between territories, which cause permanent or semi-permanent change in place of residence. In scholar's point of view, immigration is the most important type of population movements, which has a wide variety. Scholars categories immigration with regard to standards like destination, term, distance, path, speed, coercion, freedom, and other factors. Emigration as a social phenomenon has a wide range of spatial, social, economic, political, environmental, and cultural and security impacts. Among these, security and it’s relation with emigration in different aspects is of high importance. In other words, international immigration, especially illegal immigration, has a wide political- security consequences. Border permeability, illegal border crossing, drug trafficking, terrorism, criminal gang activity, abuse of foreign  male work force, and sexual abuse of  refugee women, espionage and anti-security actions, disruption of religious- ethnic composition, degradation of natural resources of host country, and spread of contagious disease  are some of the consequences of immigration, especially illegal immigration, in international arena. This article tries to describe these consequences and analyze security impacts of illegal international immigration.
