A Preface to Islamic Fundamentalism

Document Type : Research Paper



This article deals with the thought bases of Islamic fundamentalism. In fact, the main question is what constitutes Islamic fundamentalism and which parameters and statements it has. According to the author’s hypothesis, Islamic fundamentalism as an ideology is characterized with particular parameters, statements and thought-political foundations making it distinct from other prevalent mainstream ideologies in the 20th century including liberalism, socialism, nationalism and alike. In spite of its multiplicity in theory and practice in the Muslim World, Islamic fundamentalism shares certain thought and political foundations including comprehensiveness and inclusiveness of Islamic religion, linkage between religion and politics, need to return to the original precepts of Islam, establishment of Islamic government, as well as pragmatism and having a practical plan and strategy for transition from undesirable non-Islamic conditions to desirable Islamic conditions. In this sense, the author considers fundamentalism as tantamount to al-Osuliah in the opinions of such Islamists as Yusof Gharzavi, Rachid al-Ghanoochi and Hassan al-Banna and examines its relationship with such concepts as Islamic awakening and religious reformism. On this ground, Islamic fundamentalism presents a new interpretation of relationship among human, god and society in contradiction to the modern version in order to secure worldly and other-worldly happiness of human being.


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