Security in the New International System; Scenarios and Problems

Document Type : Research Paper



Following the fundamental changes in the structure of the international system because of the collapse of the Soviet Union, many analysts will pay attention to the question of the essential trends that will be included in the agenda for world security. This writing is intended to offer an answer to this question in which the author has proposed the following hypothesis: The world security plan involves two agendas. The first agenda corresponds to the contents of world hegemony and refers to the positive rivalry between the United States and European Union. The second agenda relates to the grounds for the rise of conflicts, and ushers in the entry of the Middle East to the context of security developments in the 21st Century.   In order to explain the subject, the author has initially presented two main scenarios which are pursued by the great actors in the stage of international politics (namely the American and European scenarios for the world order) and according to them the lines of conflict have been derived and described. According to this hypothesis, the tendency of the world system to hegemonic structure and heightened political-security tensions in the Middle East form two general phenomena of the 21st Century.


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