National Historiography and its Impact on the Formation of the National State in the Late Middle Ages

Document Type : Research Paper




National awareness is a fundamental factor in ensuring territorial security. National consciousness arises when a public perception of the public good and security of a land is realized. Among the important factors that have influenced the process of formation of public good and security in modern Europe are the national governments. National governments have been the product of new attitudes that have dominated national, customary, and local historiography more than anything else. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to show the impact of national historiography on the formation of the national state in the late Middle Ages with emphasis on the concept of security and public good of the nation. The main question of the article is what effect has the new style of national historiography on the formation and continuation of intergovernmental national governments? The hypothesis of the article is that addressing the issue of the nation in new historiographies has caused the concept of the nation and the preservation of security and the realization of its public good to be in the center of attention and provide the necessary material for the government.


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