Relative Independence of State or Civil Society In The I.R.IRAN.

Document Type : Research Paper



The necessity of independence of state, is a significant matter in development discourse. However, we witness that third world states as Iran, which serve their material needs by such oil benefits-and because of this, have a considerable independence, are underdeveloped. Author with evidence to unsucceded experiences of states, led to this result that independence is not a necessery pre-condition for development.This article asserts that relative independence of state will be useful for Odevelopment, if only we have had a relative independence of Civil Society. In other words, we can hope to economic development in a state, when political freedom, political participation, and in general, political development simultaneous with other changes and political system be open to political participation. Ofcourse, such a situation in states revals not in ordinarily situation but at financial crisis. This means that, states because of their financial problems open their political system to political participation and it is some thing different by real political development.

Main Subjects

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